Betsy Modrzejewski Director, Children's Ministry
Betsy Modrzejewski is thrilled to step into the role of Director of Children’s Ministry at Fellowship UMC. Betsy has devoted her professional career to working with children and youth in both Michigan and Texas. Betsy holds a master’s degree in “Applied Drama/Theatre for the Young” from Eastern Michigan University. She has taught, performed and directed theatre at a variety of organizations including Flint Youth Theatre, Colonial Williamsburg, The Roeper School, The Keller Pointe, the Marquis Theatre and The Henry Ford Museum. Additionally she enjoyed leading play-based learning classes for preschoolers in Keller as a Tinkergarten Leader. For the past thirteen years, Betsy has served as the volunteer director of Keller UMC’s “Summer Theatre Workshop”. She currently works as a teaching artist for Broadway Dallas and is an actor with American Immersion Theatre. Betsy lives in Keller with her husband Brian and 3 children. She cannot wait to connect with the Fellowship UMC family and is thankful for this wonderful opportunity.