Each Sunday morning our KIDS are blessed to receive loving care and the most fun lessons about God's love, His word and His desire to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us.
All persons entering the church building will have to follow the Fellowship UMC safety protocols. If your child shows signs of illness (runny nose, fever, sneezing, rash, etc) please choose to join worship online.
Nursery - Preschool KIDS check-in near the brown ARK doors prior to each service. The children are taken to class by one of our staffers. For added safety and security, only staff members will be allowed into the ARK. After worship, the children will be ready for pickup at the ARK entrance.
During all service hours, the PreK Deck is treated to a small group lesson and worship with trained staff members.
Kindergarten - Fifth grade KIDS
9am ARK KIDS grades kindergarten- 5th grade attend worship with their families in Legends Hall.
9:45- 10:45am ARK KIDS grades kindergarten- 5th grade attend a large group worship service in Legends Hall.
11am ARK KIDS kindergarten - 5th grade will join the congregation for worship during the 11:00am Traditional Worship Service. Once dismissed from the service, KIDS in Decks K-5 are welcome to join us for a Children's Chat bible lesson. KIDS will be in the foyer/Legends Hall area after the worship service is complete.
If you have any questions or would like to become involved in our Sunday morning ARK KIDS volunteer ministry, please reach out , arkkids@fumctc.com.